The World of Warcraft -The Titans & The Rise of Azeroth | Explore the Lore

 In General Geekiness

I’m excited to introduce you all to my fiancé, Ron! Today marks his inaugural blog post. Going forward, he’s going to be starting a guest post series, ‘Explore the Lore,’ right here on The Nifty Nerd. In his series, he’s going to take you on an educational exploration through the lore of various fandoms. ~Enjoy the adventure!

What is Lore?

Lore is the essence of the story contained in games, novels, movies or television shows. Lore shows that the creator of a story took the time to create a world of their own. Tolkien is a great example of this. When creating Middle Earth he took the time to create an in-depth back story, showing the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of all the races of his world; even going as far as to create languages for his races.
For me, the first real lore I delved into was when I picked up a game called Warcraft. I remember picking up the manual and seeing a story at the back to go along with the instructions. It was then that I realized there was much more to this game. I was instantly hooked on the game and welcomed each expansion and addition to the story.
Move forward to The World of Warcraft. This game blew the gates wide when it came to putting lore and a game together. Tons of quests were chained together to tell the stories of the world; thus  giving us a history of Azeroth- telling how each race came to be and of how many past and current events shaped the world.
To start you on my journey into lore, I am going to start at the beginning of Warcraft and tell you about the Titans and their role in Azeroth.
Map of AzerothAzeroth (Photo credit: wowwiki)

The Titans of The World of Warcraft

We are not sure how the universe began, but in the beginning there was a race of giant metallic men known as the Titans. Their goal was to bring order to the chaos. There are two known sub-types of Titans. First, the Vanir, which translates to earth giants. Their skin was golden and they were in charge of the mountains and deep places. The second type were the Aesir; which translates into storm giants. Their skin was platinum and they took care of the seas and skies. The Titans were ruled by a group of Titans known as the pantheon (kind of like your Gods of Greek mythology). The pantheon was ruled by Aman’Thul, he was known as the father of all worlds. The pantheon also included the following Titans:
World of Warcraft Titans
Photo credit: engadget
WoW Sargaras
Photo credit: engadget
The Titans, from left to right, in the above photos:
1. Norgannon (master of arcane magics, knowledge, secrets & mysteries)
2. Khaz’goroth (shaper of mountains and canyons)
3. Golganneth the Thunderer (creator of the skies, seas & all the living creatures of the seas)
4. Eranor the Lifebender (spouse of Aman’thul)
5. Aggramar (current champion of the Titans & in charge of combating the Burning Legion)
6. Aman’Thul
7. Sargeras (once champion & defender of the Titans)


The Fall of Sargeras the Defender

Every planet the Titans visited, they molded and shaped; making seas and mountains. They gave the races they found there the power to watch over and take care of these planets. But while the Titans were trying to create order, off to the side was a darkness known as The Twisting Nether. In this darkness were beings of chaos (demons) and they wished to consume the worlds of the universe. It was Sargeras’ task to combat these demons and protect order in the universe. While combating them he went up against a race of demons known as The Nathrezim (or Dreadlords). The Nathrezim had taken over several worlds by corrupting the inhabitants and turning them against one another. Sargeras defeated them, but the corruption affected him and he turned to despair. He began to think the Titans’ ways were false and that chaos was the only answer. He left the Titans and went to the Twisting Nether. Once there, he freed all the demons he had been fighting to imprison. This was the dawning of the Burning Legion… We will cover them more in future posts, for now I wish to stick to the Titans.
Sargeras Corrupted (Photo credit: d20crit)

The Rise of the Planet of Azeroth

So in their travels the Titans came across a little planet that would become known as Azeroth. Here they found 4 hostile elemental lords, and their followers, who worshiped an evil race known as the Old Gods. The Old Gods sought to keep the Titans from their planet.
Eye of C’Thun, an Old God
Eye of C’Thun, an Old God
C’Thun, an Old God
C’Thun, an Old God

The Titans were taken aback by the pure evil of the Old Gods so they brought war down on them and their elemental lords. Once defeated, the five Old Gods were chained far beneath the surface… The Old Gods and their elemental lords are another topic I will go more in depth into later on.

Now the Titans had the task of reshaping the planet. For this task, they created two races to help them with their work. The first were the Earthen, made from magical living stone. Their task was to carve out the caverns of the earth. The second were the Sea Giants, who were tasked with helping to create the seas and lift land out of the seafloor. When they had finished their work and made the perfect continent, they created a well of power that would breath forth life into the world; creating many new races. The well became known as the Well of Eternity, and the continent would be known as Kalimdor.



Well of Eternity

This is where I am going to stop. Don’t worry, we’ll come back to the world of Warcraft in future posts. Next post though, I am going to jump over and delve into the world of Supernatural and talk about some monster lore. In the mean time, if you have a request for lore you wish to hear or learn about, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments section.

Ron, author of Explore the Lore
Meet the Author: Ron
Hello, I’m Ron. I’m a passionate nerd who loves a good back story. I look forward to sharing that love with you.





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  • *aka*Krystelle

    Great post! I play WoW, but I don’t know much about the lore. There are people in my guild that are like encyclopedias and it just amazes me lol. I look forward to reading more 🙂

    • Ron

      Thanks for reading Krystelle, is there anything in WoW lore you would like to learn about in future posts.

    • Jessica (aka The Nifty Nerd)

      Horde or Alliance Krystelle? 😉 I don’t play myself, but I do still love reading about the lore -I look forward to reading more too.

  • Lance

    Nice job Ron!

    • Ron

      Thanks Lance just hoping people will enjoy all the stuff I have rolling around in my head.

  • Ashlee

    Awesome segment! I love the lore of Warcraft, so I definitely hope to read more!

    • Ron

      Thank you for reading Ashlee What is your favorite part of WoW lore?

    • Jessica (aka The Nifty Nerd)

      You excited for the Warcraft moving coming out this spring/summer Ashlee?

  • pepi

    Awesome segment! I actually want to know more now! 🙂 More about lore plz!

    • Ron

      Thanks for the support pepi please let me know what you would like me to cover in the future. Even if I don’t know about it I love doing research!

    • Jessica (aka The Nifty Nerd)

      Ron’s got me all excited and wanting to learn more too! I’ve already gotten a sneak peek at this next post and it’s going to be a good one! 😉

  • Leisel

    WoW lore makes me so ridiculously happy. I’m playing right now. =P

    • Ron

      Glade I made you happy Leisel. What server do you play on. I am on shattered hand. Horde for life!

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